Find new talent for your business
In less than 3 minutes, source emerging talent for your business
Simple job posting
Choose from flexible options including casual, part-time and full time jobs, internships and projects.
The skills you need
Our data algorithm provides you with the best candidates from thousands of students and grads with in-demand skills.
Own your recruitment
Find someone you like? Connect directly with them. We get out of the way and let you engage, shortlist and hire.
How it works
1: Post a job ad
Skip tedious company profile and get straight to posting a job. Select the right skills and describe the work to be done.
2: Invite students
Once your job is posted, it’s easy to get ahead of the game by inviting students that are recommended based on your criteria.
3: Set up interviews
Find someone you like? Connect directly with the candidate. We get out the way and let you continue discussions and hire the right candidate.
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