Business FAQs
Any queries or concerns? Odds are someone else has or has had the same ones. Below are our responses to some of the common questions that we’ve encountered from businesses.
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What kind of companies are advertising roles on Ribit?
Our focus is startups and innovative companies across all different industries, which means that many (but not all) of our businesses represent organisations with fewer than 200 staff.
For students, this means an opportunity to experience a vibrant and diverse workplace in which you’ll gain a deep, practical perspective on the different facets of running a company. However, we also cater to larger organisations that have career relevant jobs available to students.
Ribit represents companies from an extensive (and growing) industry list including finance, IT, research, publishing, engineering, travel, logistics and food.
What kinds of roles can I advertise on Ribit?
We encourage any business that values student talent and is willing to give students a good experience. This means flexible jobs which can complement the students’ studies, as well as offer them practical experience in your industry.
What types of industries does Ribit accept?
We have all different kinds of students so accept all different kinds of industries.
Is there a limit to how many roles I can advertise?
Limit? What’s a limit? Seriously though, if your business has a need (or many needs), we encourage you to advertise as many positions as you require and can support.
As a business, what employment conditions should I consider?
It is important to us that businesses are aware of the relevant workplace rules and regulations, particularly when it comes to paid versus unpaid workers. While we are unable to provide a single response that can be applied to every role and professional relationship, we’ve listed links to some Fair Work resources to help clarify expectations for both sides:
- Is unpaid work experience acceptable? This page covers a range of topics from internships, the types of unpaid work (vocational and volunteering) to the key question which helps define whether or not a wage is required – “Is there an employment relationship?”
- Employee entitlements: Every condition which may crop up during the working day, including flexibility in the workplace, hours of work, breaks and rosters, travel entitlements and managing performance.
- Minimum wages, penalties and allowances: including a handy Pay Calculator.
How much does it cost to sign up and use Ribit?
Ribit is free. We don’t charge students or businesses.
I can’t click “review” on my job post
If you’re trying to post a role on and have filled in all the details and click “review” but cannot move forward to review the posting, the usual cause is an unverifiable address, (such as one with a Unit or Level number) or forgetting to click “I agree” in regards to acknowledgement of the Fair Work Act.
If this doesn’t solve your issue please reach out to from your ribit account email and we will assist you directly.
Course Credit FAQs
We have recently introduced a new role type, Course Credit, to the marketplace which aims to provide students with a placement opportunity. Roles for course credit offer students a unique opportunity to combine their studies with meaningful work environments where they can learn skills relevant to their degree as a requirement of their educational program (e.g. industrial training) or a work-integrated learning course. Employers will need to be approved by the relevant university before students can begin to apply for this role, and certain requirements will need to be met.
Click through our FAQs to learn more, or feel free to reach out to us at
On, the role type course credit refers to a work-integrated learning opportunity which is completed by students as a requirement of a course or degree, such as industrial training. The role and experience must be approved by the student’s university as relevant and provide a substantial learning opportunity for the student. As a requirement of these roles, you may need to provide feedback for the student and ensure their learning outcomes are met.
What is the approval process for course credit roles?
The approval of course credit roles is managed by the student’s educational institution, who may need to contact you to discuss your role before the student applies in order to confirm the relevance and benefit to the student. Because of this, it may take much longer for students to begin applying than for a normal paid role. Once approved and a student is offered a placement, the business, student, and educational institution will need to work together to create a work plan for the student before a final agreement is confirmed. The amount of involvement of your staff will vary according to the plan however there will be supervision and reporting requirements.
In most cases, course credit roles do not offer compensation (such as a wage or salary). They may however offer some form of stipend or additional benefit, such as covering travel costs, or providing meals during the term of the placement. These roles are designed as a learning opportunity for students to apply the theory and skills they are gaining while studying, and count towards the completion of their degree. For more information on the requirements and eligibility of unpaid work, please consult the Fair Work Ombudsman unpaid work factsheet.
Which industries are likely to be approved course credit hosts?
Some professional fields such as engineering, teaching, and nursing have a long history of work-integrated learning (WIL), and it is often a requirement of the relevant course/degree. WIL is increasingly becoming a feature of higher education courses across all fields of study. In addition to engineering, roles in business and admin, media, and technology would be ideal. Universities can provide more specific information on the industries and professions they support.
How long do course credit roles last?
Typically a course credit role will be offered in conjunction with learning material provided to the student during their semester. Because of this, course credit roles can last up to around 14 weeks. Some educational institutions will allow students to complete multiple work-integrated learning opportunities, so course credit roles can also be as short as 4 weeks.
Why would I be interested in hosting a course credit role?
There are numerous, well-documented benefits to participating in a work-integrated learning program. The mentoring you give to a student can also help you in many ways. The extra pair of hands will immediately help with resourcing a project, your employees who mentor the student learn valuable coaching and management skills and you are helping to improve the quality of graduates available to your industry.
What do I need to consider before I begin posting a course credit role?
Before posting a course credit role you should take some time to consider the requirements of hosting a work-integrated learning opportunity – such as being contacted by universities to discuss the role, the supervision and reporting requirements, and how many students you have the capacity to offer this opportunity to. When posting the job, you will also need to consider whether the opportunity can provide an additional allowance (such as travel allowance, or meals) and who will be the student’s dedicated supervisor in the role.
Course credit roles often take longer than a standard role to find suitable talent and begin the placement, and they usually occur within the student’s semester (most commonly beginning in Feb/March or June/July), so it is important to consider the timing of your role and when you post it.